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Home » CLJD, NLU Delhi Reaches out to Villages in Western Uttar Pradesh (22 – 28 February, 2024)

CLJD, NLU Delhi Reaches out to Villages in Western Uttar Pradesh (22 – 28 February, 2024)

Centre for Law, Justice, and Development (CLJD), NLU Delhi under the aegis of Department of Justice and with support from Ministry of Rural Development, conducted ‘Training by Trainers’ on ‘Preventing and Addressing Violence against Women’ in 9 villages of the districts of Bulandshahr, Aligarh and Mathura in Western Uttar Pradesh. This training programme was preceded by the “Training of Trainers” sessions organized by the Centre in April and July 2023, where Centre Administrators of One Stop Centers, Protection Officers and Police Officials were trained. In the final phase of the project CLJD, NLU Delhi along with the trained trainers conducted awareness raising and sensitization sessions along with door-to-door awareness campaign from 22nd February to 28th February 2024.
Crowd interactive exercises were deployed to raise awareness on the structural nature of violence against women.  Everyday instances of normalisation of violence were discussed and people were made aware of their social responsibility towards preventing violence. Fictional and non-fictional stories and mainstream songs/movies were discussed to show the prevalence of violence and problems faced by women in seeking help. Information about various institutions that are available for survivors of violence like the One Stop Centre, Swadhar Greh, Protection Officer etc. was also given. Through these sessions,  the Centre reached out to more than 250 people in these 9 villages and garnered a highly appreciative response from the participants.