National Law University Delhi
(Accredited in 'A' grade with a score 3.59 on a four point scale by NAAC) 
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The National Law University in collaboration with Cetral Economic Intelligence Bureau is organizing a Capsule Course on Legal Aspects and Legal Matters for IRS Officers from 07-12 November 2016. The objective of the course are:

-      To familiarising revenue officials with general procedural safeguards and cares to be taken while dealing with court matters


-      To make basic procedure as part of Standard Operating System so that cases pass the security of court proceedings. 


The course will cover intricacies of Tax Administration and General Administration, from the point of legality of various action taken. More than 20 IRS from all parts of India are participating in the course. Eminent jurists, Judges, Legal practitioners, and academicians will be the resource faculty for the course. Last year also in the month of April , NLUD organised in collaboration with CEIB a training program for Indian Revenue Officers.